astro.filerecipes package


astro.filerecipes.AstromCorr module

astro.filerecipes.BPZSourceCollectionTask module

astro.filerecipes.Bias module

astro.filerecipes.Coadd module

astro.filerecipes.Cold_Pixels module

astro.filerecipes.Cold_Pixels_Plot module

astro.filerecipes.Dark_Current module

astro.filerecipes.Dark_Current_Plot module

astro.filerecipes.Dome_Flat module

astro.filerecipes.Focus module

astro.filerecipes.Fringe_Flat module

astro.filerecipes.GAaPSourceCollectionTask module

astro.filerecipes.Gain module

astro.filerecipes.Gain_Plot module

astro.filerecipes.Hot_Pixels module

astro.filerecipes.Hot_Pixels_Plot module

astro.filerecipes.Illumination_Correction module

astro.filerecipes.Illumination_Correction_Verify module

astro.filerecipes.Linearity_Plot module

astro.filerecipes.Master_Flat module

astro.filerecipes.Monitoring module

astro.filerecipes.Nightsky_Flat module

astro.filerecipes.PSF_Anisotropy module

astro.filerecipes.Particle_Event_Rate_Plot module

astro.filerecipes.PhotCal_Extract_Resulttable module

astro.filerecipes.PhotCal_Extract_Zeropoint module

astro.filerecipes.PhotCal_Monitoring module

astro.filerecipes.PhotCal_Monitoring_Sky module

astro.filerecipes.QuickCheckPlot module

astro.filerecipes.Quick_Check module

astro.filerecipes.Quick_Check_simple module

astro.filerecipes.RawBiasFramePlot module

astro.filerecipes.RawDomeFlatFramePlot module

astro.filerecipes.Read_Noise module

astro.filerecipes.Read_Noise_Plot module

astro.filerecipes.Read_Noise_Plot_Electrons module

astro.filerecipes.Reduce module

astro.filerecipes.Shutter_Delay module

astro.filerecipes.Shutter_Delay_simple module

astro.filerecipes.Split module

astro.filerecipes.Twilight_Flat module

astro.filerecipes.aweimports module

automatic imports for the interpreter

astro.filerecipes.utilities module

Module contents

Data Reduction Recipes

These are the Data Reduction Recipes as described in the OmegaCAM Data Flow System users and programmers manual, available from the documents section of the OmegaCAM website:

Each Recipe takes filenames as arguments and processes these files accordingly.

To find the requirement in the above-mentioned document the table below lists the requirements which lead to a Recipe.

Name of the Recipe | Requirement in the OmegaCAM documentation

Read_Noise | 5.2.1 CCD read noise - doit Hot_Pixels | 5.2.2 Hot pixels Gain | 5.2.3 CCD gain

5.3.3 CCD Linearity
Dark_Current | 5.3.1 CCD Dark Current - doit
5.3.2 CCD Particle Event Rate

Cold_Pixels | 5.3.5 CCD Cold Pixels Bias | 5.4.1 Bias - doit Dome_Flat | 5.4.2 Flat-field - dome key bands + user bands - doit Twilight_Flat | 5.4.3 Flat-field - twilight Nightsky_Flat | 5.4.4 Flat-field - night sky Fringe_Flat | 5.4.5 Flat-field - fringing Master_Flat | 5.4.6 Flat-field - master flat and weight map Quick_Check | 5.4.7 Quick detector responsivity check - doit Illumination_Correction | 5.4.8 Illumination correction PSF_Anisotropy | 5.5.4 PSF Anisotropy PhotCal_Extract_Zeropoint | 5.6.3 Photometric Calibration - zeropoint key bands - doit

5.6.4 Photometric Calibration - zeropoint user bands

PhotCal_Monitoring | 5.6.2 Photometric Calibration - monitoring Split | 6.3.1 Ingest Reduce | 6.3.1 - 6.3.6 Image pipeline Coadd | 6.3.6 Image pipeline