HOW-TO Obtain PSF information of science images

A simple recipe is available to make several plots of SExtractor parameters relevant to the PSF. The recipe is $AWEPIPE/astro/filerecipes/ and is used as follows:


    CATEGORY : Health check

    PURPOSE : Detect PSF Anisotropy

    FULFILLS : Requirement 554 (Category III)


    This recipe makes 5 plots of SExtractor parameters:
    1) Bars of length FWHM_IMAGE (times a scale factor) and angle w.r.t.
       x-axis Theta. Average FWHM_IMAGE and THETA are evaluated per area
       in a grid of Xpos/Ypos.
    2) MAG_ISO vs. FLUX_RADIUS (half-light radius)
    3) FWHM_IMAGE vs. THETA (position angle)
    4) FWHM_IMAGE vs. Xpos-CRPIX1
    5) FWHM_IMAGE vs. Ypos-CRPIX2


    Mandatory inputs :

        -l : list of input split raw or processed science images

    Configuration parameters (min - [default] - max) :

        -s  : switch to not run SExtractor (if catalogs already exist)
        -d  : SExtractor detection threshold
              range: 0.0 - [10.0] - 100.0
        -f  : maximum FLAG of sources
              range: 0 - [0] - 255
        -m  : maximum FLUX_MAX of sources
              range: 0 - [60000] - 70000
        -r  : minimum FLUX_RADIUS of sources
              range: 0.0 - [0.0] - 50.0
        -rm : maximum FLUX_RADIUS of sources
              range: 0.0 - [50.0] - 50.0

    Switches :

        -in : interactive mode (if omitted a postscript file is created)

    Example of use :

        awe -l image12345_?.fits [-s] [-d 5.0] [-f 1]
                              [-m 50000] [-r 2.0] [-rm 5.0] [-in]


Note that the recipe can be used on a single coadded image by giving it as input.

Below is an example of an output plot

Example output plot of PSF\_Anistropy

Example output plot of PSF_Anistropy