HOW-TO Perform a trend analysis and to find outliers


This HOW-TO shows how one can do a simple database trend analysis from the awe-prompt. In general to get to a result you need to do the following steps:

  • Which quantities do you want to do a trendanalysis on? Determine which classes and attributes of objects in AWE are needed to get the desired information for those quantities.
  • Construct the database query/queries required to get the desired information.
  • Make a plot of the desired information to graphically detect outliers.
  • Refine the constraints in the query to encompass only outliers.
  • Retrieve the outlying objects and inspect them.


Question 1: Make a plot of the bias level of all raw biases of a CCD as a function of modified julian date of observation.
Answer 1:
awe> q = ( == 'ccd50')
awe> biases = list(q)
awe> x = [b.MJD_OBS for b in biases]
awe> y = [b.imstat.median for b in biases]
awe> pylab.scatter(x,y,s=0.5)

This results in the plot in Figure 1 (zoomed, labels added).

Bias level vs. MJD

Figure 1: Trend analysis: bias level for all raw biases of CCD against modified julian date of observation.

Question 2: Look for raw biases for ccd50 (WFI) in 2004 for which the level of the trim section differs significantly from the level of the overscan.
Answer 2:
awe> q = ('WFI.2004*_1.fits'))
awe> len(q)
awe> biases = list(q)
awe> x = [b.MJD_OBS for b in biases]
awe> y = [b.imstat.median-b.overscan_x_stat.median for b in biases]
awe> pylab.scatter(x,y,s=0.5)
Bias level in trim section - overscan X

Figure 2: Trend analysis: trend of raw bias level in trim section minus the level in the overscan X region. The difference is plotted as a function of modified julian date of observation.

This produces a plot as in Figure 2. You can see that there seems to be one case where the difference is 5 ADU. This image will be interesting to look at. We can select it as follows:

awe> frames = [b for b in biases if b.imstat.median-b.overscan_x_stat.median > 4]
awe> len(frames)
awe> for f in frames: print(f.filename)
awe> for f in frames: f.retrieve()

It turns out there are in fact two frames of this kind. The images seem to have an uncharacteristic bright region in them; something was obviously wrong during these observations.