Context - basic ideas¶
Context - introduction¶
Given the large amount of data hosted by the Astro-WISE Information System and the various ways to process the data, it is useful to filter the sea of stored objects and methods for daily data reduction work on a particular project/task.
Normally, for particular projects/tasks only a subset of all data is used at a time. The concept context facilitates this by means of tools which help to identify existing data and mark newly created data. The concept contextalso helps in marking and identifying data reduction methods or algorithms (TBC).
It is useful to discriminate the functionality of marking objects and methods when creating and when viewing, reading or querying objects. In the forthcoming we will discuss these two worlds separately.
The context is an integrated feature of the Astro-WISE Environment, and therefor should be seen as an addition to the system, without losing existing functionalities. It is meant to support the work of groups or projects, but could equally well support individual enterprises, like giving a demonstration, for example. Objects created under a given context can still be accessible by the world or other groups when decided to set such privileges.
Properties of the context¶
In the Astro-WISE Environment, context refers to the context in which raw data, calibration data and reduced science data are created and viewed (selected). The context is characterized by a project; i.e. a project defines the values of the different properties of the context.
- Name - The name of the project.
- Instrument - The instrument that is used by the project.
- Members - The people that are responsible for the project.
- Managers - The people that can add members to the project, change the read privileges of data, change the project defaults, etc.
- Default privileges - Who can initially read data, that is created as part of the project.
- Derivation and Workflow - Defined by project designers, involving:
- Methods (TBC - input from Project designers wanted)
- Qualification
- Category - The category or type of project - Calibration, Science, Survey, Virtual, Maintenance. (TBC)
- Observing Strategy: Standard, Deep, Freq. (TBC should be standard attribute)
- Observing Mode: Stare, Jitter, Dither. (TBC should be standard attribute)
- Status - Processing status. (TBC)
Provided functionality¶
The available context functionality can be split into two parts. One part is related to the creation of objects, the other part is related to the selection of objects.
:math:`bullet` Context for make
When objects are created, some of their attributes are set according to the current context. Most context attributes cannot be changed because they are defined by the project. The following attributes are set for created objects.
- context-user
- Name of the user. Identifies the user accessing the database. Once an object is created by a user, its user attribute cannot be changed.
- context-project
- Name of the project. Identifies the project within which the user wants to work. The user can change the context-project during a session. The default is undefined.
- privileges
- Sets whether new objects are only readable by the creator, only
readable by the members of the currently select project (by
definition includes the creator), readable by AWE users, or readable
by anyone outside AWE, or published in VO. The user can change the
default privileges for new objects during a session. If not set by
the user, the default privileges are the privileges of the currently
selected context-project. To be able to delete objects it is
required that only their creator has access to them. The privileges
consist of two flags:
. The scheme for the changes of these flags is presented below. - own algorithms/task/CalFile
There are three types of users in AWE:
- aw
- this “user” is Astro-Wise itself. This mean that some kind of activity (changes of quality flag, for example) is made by the process started by the use but without the involvment of the user itself;
- aw-user
- the user of Astro-Wise;
- PM
- the Project Manager or ADMINISTRATOR of the project, the user with the ability to create a science-ready product from the content of the project.
Fig. [context_activity] is an activity diagram for users of Astro-Wise. This diagram does not take into accout viewing operation which do not change the state of entities.

Context activity
For existing objects, only the privileges can be changed by users. More specifically, the creator of an object can specify if it is also accessible to the members of the project to which the object belongs, or to the world, if allowed by the definition of the project. A tool is provided to perform this change. This ensures that all dependent objects have their privileges changed, which is necessary to keep the database in a consistent state. A project manager is allowed access to all data belonging to a project, even if it was created by one of the other users in a project.
Status of entity¶
Each entity (i.e., RawFrame, RadioCube, SourceList etc.) has a set of flags which define the current status of the entity and the possible changes in the status. These flags are:
Quality flag set by aw processing automatically.
PRIVILEGES flag shows the scope of visibility of the entity. PRIVILIGES flag can take following values:
- user
- Data are only readable to the user.
- project
- Data are only readable by members of the project.
- astro-wise
- Data are only readable by Astro-WISEusers, i.e. everyone with an AWEaccount.
- world
- Data are readable by everyone, including an anonymous user.
- vo
- Data can be accessed via VO mechanisms.
Validity flag
can takes following values:
- 0
- Data are invalid.
- 1
- Data are valid and can be used by other user.
- 2
- Data are valid and of scientific quality. Data can be shared with wider community (published in paper or VO).
Unlike quality flag
is set always by user and reflects user’s subjective opinion about the data.
The matrix of activity shows the only possible changes in the status of
entity which can be made by the user of the Project Manager. The element
of the matrix is a combination of flags (PRIVILEGES,IS_VALID)
Fig. [matrix_activity] shows all allowed states for entities, and
Table [table_activity] describes them. Actions with designation U are
allowed to be done by the user -owner of the entity, actions with P are
allowed by any user in the project and actions wih M are allowed by the
Project Manager only.

Matrix of activity
Designation | Performed by | Action | Description |
U1 | User | \((1,1)\to(1,0)\) | The entity is invalid. |
U2 | User | \((1,0)\to(1,1)\) | The entity is valid. |
U3 | User | \((1,1)\to(1,2)\) | The entity is selected for publishing. |
U4 | User | \((1,2)\to(1,1)\) | The publishing is restricted. |
U5 | User | \((1,1)\to(2,1)\) | The entity is moved to the project scope. |
P1 | User | \((2,1)\to(2,0)\) | The entity is invalid. |
P2 | User | \((2,0)\to(2,1)\) | The entity is valid. |
P3 | User | \((2,1)\to(2,2)\) | The entity is selected for publishing. |
P4 | User | \((2,2)\to(2,1)\) | The publishing is restricted. |
P5 | User | \((2,1)\to(3,1)\) | The entity is moved to the Astro-Wise scope. |
P6 | User | \((3,1)\to(3,1)\) | The entity is restricted for other projects. |
P7 | User | \((2,2)\to(3,2)\) | The preselected for publishing entity |
is moved to the Astro-Wise scope. | |||
P8 | User | \((3,1)\to(4,1)\) | The entity is moved to the word scope. |
P9 | User | \((4,1)\to(3,1)\) | The entity is restricted to the world. |
P10 | User | \((4,1)\to(4,2)\) | The entity is selected for publishing. |
M1 | PM | \((4,2)\to(5,2)\) | The entity is published. |
M2 | PM | \((5,2)\to(4,2)\) | The entity is unpublished. |
M3 | PM | \((1,2)\to(5,2)\) | The entity is published. |
M4 | PM | \((2,2)\to(5,2)\) | The entity is published. |
Table: Table of states
Context for view¶
When objects are selected, some of their attributes are checked to see if they comply with the context as set by the user. Part of these attributes just simplify querying, because their specification in queries is no longer required. Other attributes are used to enforce read and delete permissions.
- instrument
- project
- privileges
- There are five levels of privileges
A project can be private to a specific group of users. Only these users are allowed to access existing data or to create new data under this project. Unauthorized users, i.e. those not part of the project, will not have any access to a private project.
The privileges can be used to mark data as private or public to that user. Data that are private can be deleted by the user that owns them. However, once data are made public, it can no longer be deleted because that could break history tracking for data that reference it.
The context is used to filter data, but this filtering can also be done in Python queries. It should be noted that the context does not replace the use of general Python queries. The context is more powerful because it can enforce read and write access and authorization. The context is also in effect when directly using SQL from any Oracle client. Hence, the same privileges are taken into account and authorization is required to access data given a certain context .
What Oracle provides¶
In Oracle it is possible to define a Virtual Private Database (VPD), where access to tables can be controlled at the object-level (row-level) and at the attribute-level (column-level).
In a VPD, access to a table is protected by one or more security policies. A security policy defines a limiting condition, which is automatically applied to each query accessing a table. The condition is given in the form of a standard where clause or an and clause, which means that attributes of a table can be used freely in the condition. Security policies can be applied to select, insert, update, delete and index commands. For each type of command a different security policy can be created.
Since Oracle 10g, attribute-level security policies are available, which are only applied when a particular attribute or attributes are accessed. In addition, protected attributes can return NULL if selected.
A security policy uses, in Oracle terms, an Application Context. The Application Context makes it possible toy define, set, and access application attributes. These application attributes are used to separate different users and applications. Setting of the application attributes can be enforced during logon of a database user. The predefined USERENV Context already contains attributes such as CURRENT_USERID, ISDBA, OS_USER and the like. Security policies are written in PL/SQL, which, for the Astro-WISE Environment, are part of PL/SQL package named AWOPER.AWSECURITY.
Building blocks¶
The context is implemented using a standard Oracle framework, called VPD, as explained in section [ctx:oracle]. First, the definitions of the tables, that are used for internal bookkeeping of projects, are given. These tables are created once, during the installation of the AWE database. The contents of these tables can be modified by tools, the function of which is explained in [ctx:funcs].
AWEPROJECTS – Central table with all project definitions¶
This table contains the definitions of all projects and has columns for:
- Name of the project.
- Description of the project.
- Instrument that is associated with a project.
- Privileges for newly created objects. Can have any of the privilege levels: USER, PROJECT, ASTRO-WISE, WORLD, VO.
A project management tool is used to change entries in this table, e.g. to add a project or to change the default privileges. The possible operations on this table are defined in section [ctx:funcs].
AWEPROJECTUSERS – Table with the users of each project¶
This table contains the members of each project and has columns for:
- Name of a project.
- Name of the AWE account.
context attributes that are part of each DBObject¶
10.132, -32.434 | … | 22.15 | JTIDLEY | VESUVIO | PROJECT |
153.541, -49.592 | … | 22.21 | RSTRAKE | KIDS | USER |
An Oracle security policy is defined for a complete class of objects. A security policy is only defined for certain classes. For RawScienceFrame, ScienceFrame, RegriddedFrame, etc. the security policy has to be defined. However, for classes like Chip, Filter, Instrument a security policy is not useful.
Raw Cal | Raw Science | Reduced Cal | Reduced Science | |
SELECT | ||||
INSERT | ||||
UPDATE | ||||
- SELECT Raw Calibration Data
- Raw calibration data are not tied to specific projects and can always be read by all AWE users.
- SELECT Raw Science Data
- Use current project to access data.WHERE PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- SELECT Reduced Science Data
- Use current project to access data.WHERE PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- SELECT Reduced Calibration Data
- Use current project to access data.WHERE PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- INSERT Raw Calibration Data
- Raw calibration data are not tied to specific projects.
- INSERT Raw Science Data
- Set project to current project.INSERT INTO ARAWSCIENCETABLE SET PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- INSERT Reduced Calibration Data
- Set project to current project.INSERT INTO AREDUCEDCALTABLE SET PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- INSERT Reduced Science Data
- Set project to current project.INSERT INTO AREDUCEDSCIENCETABLE SET PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- UPDATE Raw Calibration Data
- Only the Super QualityFlag can be changed.
- UPDATE Raw Science Data
- Only the Super QualityFlag can be changed.WHERE PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- UPDATE Reduced Calibration Data
- Only the timestamp and the Super QualityFlag can be changed.WHERE PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- UPDATE Reduced Science Data
- Only the Super QualityFlag can be changed.WHERE PROJECT=currently_selected_project
- DELETE Raw Calibration Data
- Not allowed.
- DELETE Raw Science Data
- Not allowed.
- DELETE Reduced Calibration Data
- Only possible with Data Deletion Tool.
- DELETE Reduced Science Data
- Only possible with Data Deletion Tool.
CREATE PROJECT (name, description, users=[], instrument, privileges)¶
- Performed by
- User.
- Purpose
- Define a new project.
- Description
- Create a new project name for a group of users that is associated with the project. An instrument and default privileges can be defined for the project.
- Specifies
- Name.
- A description of the project.
- Project users and their type (NORMAL, ADMINISTRATOR, READONLY).
- Instrument.
- Default privileges.
- Restriction
- None.
- Performed by
- DBA.
- Purpose
- Delete the definition of an existing project called name.
- Description
- Project definitions that are no longer used can be deleted.
- Restriction
- Project definitions can only be deleted if there is no data associated with the project.
CHANGE PROJECT (privileges:math:|instrument\(|\)drop user\(|\)add user)¶
- Performed by
- User with appropriate privileges.
- Purpose
- Add a user to the project.
- Delete a user from the project.
- Change the type of a user.
- Change the instrument for a project.
- Change the default privileges for a project, i.e. the privileges that are set for newly created objects.
- Description
- After a project has been defined, it is possible to add users to it or remove users from it. It is also possible to change the type of each project user to NORMAL, ADMINISTRATOR or READONLY.
- Restriction
- Name cannot be changed.
- Only users of type ADMINISTRATOR can change the project definition.
- Performed by
- User.
- Purpose
- Select a project in an interactive AWE session or script.
- Description
- Inside AWE this function is used to select the current project. Selecting the project affects all making and querying of data that follows.
- Restriction
- A project can only be selected if the user is a member of the project. If the ANONYMOUS user is member of the project, all users can select the project.
- Performed by
- User.
- Purpose
- Obtain the definition of a project in an interactive AWEsession or script.
- Description
- Find out which group of users are taking part in a project, what the description of a project is, what instrument is being used, etc. This is useful in scripts and webservices, where it is only known at runtime which project is selected.
- Restriction
- None.
- Performed by
- User.
- Purpose
- Get a list of all projects in an interactive AWE session or script.
- Description
- Obtain a list of all currently defined projects. This is useful in scripts and webservices, where it is only known at runtime which project is selected.
- Restriction
- None.
- Performed by
- User with appropriate privileges.
- Purpose
- Clean up things that are no longer needed.
- Description
Data can be marked for removal. In that case, all data that belong together have to be removed, because of the requirement that the complete history of any object can be tracked. There are two categories of data that can be deleted:
- Reduced calibration data.
- Reduced science data.
- Restriction
- Data can only be deleted if there are no references to it.
- Performed by
- User with appropriate privileges.
- Purpose
- Make data visible to a different (larger) group of users.
- Description
- The read level of the data can be either USER (only readable by the user), PROJECT (only readable by members of the project), Astro-WISE(readable by AWE users), WORLD (readable by anyone) or VO (readable by VO compliant clients).
- Restriction
- The read privileges can only be changed in such a way that they give access to the data to a larger group. Restricting privileges to a smaller group could break history tracking and is therefore forbidden.
MyDB is defined as the collection of all user data (privileges set to user). MyDB serves two purposes. On one hand it allows the user to create persistent objects that are part of the shared AWE database. On the other hand MyDB allows users to add persistent classes for themselves, giving the user flexible database access from Python scripts. MyDB also allows direct creation of tables, views and similar database constructions via SQL.
Persistent classes that are defined in MyDB, can refer to the persistent classes in the shared AWE database. The reverse is not true, i.e. the persistent classes in the shared AWE database are not allowed to refer to MyDB persistent classes.
Calibration files and reduced science images, that are created in the shared AWE database with the MyDB context, are initially only visible to the user that created them. At a later stage, the user can decide to make these data visible to the rest of the community, e.g. the people participating in a project. Each calibration file and reduced science image has a method to perform this action. It is important to know that this operation is done recursively and is irreversible. This keeps the shared data consistent and complete, by ensuring that there are no references from the shared data to any data in MyDB.
Setting and changing context properties¶
The following example shows how the context is set in AWE
awe> from astro.database.Context import context
awe> context.set(instrument='OCAM') # Operate on OmegaCAM data exclusively
awe> print(len(RawScienceFrame.filename != ''))
awe> context.set(project='Hercules') # Only Hercules + OmegaCAM data
awe> print(len(RawScienceFrame.filename != ''))
awe> context.unset('project') # Select from any project again
awe> context.unset('instrument') # Select from any instrument again
awe> print(len(RawScienceFrame.filename != ''))
The following example shows how the context is set in SQL
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "RawScienceFrame";
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "RawScienceFrame";
Open issues¶
- algorithms
- specific methods for calibration
Before going into details, take an example project. A group of persons want to work together to reduce data of Chamaeleon, observed with OmegaCAM, for their pet project. Some of the context properties for this project are set as follows:
- Name
- Description
- Chamaeleon at Large
- Instrument
- Project Members
- Project Manager
- Default Privileges
- Only readable by Project Members
The PET project defines all context properties. K. Kerchival, R. Strake and J. Tidley are members of the PET project. The project manager is R. Strake, who can add members to the project or make the project data readable by everyone outside the project. Data that is created can, initially, only be read by the project members.
From now on, all the querying (viewing of the database will result in data from Omegacam, and all other instruments will be hidden. Of course, all objects created will become OmegaCAM. The project context is set to PET.
To derive the best possible results, people working on the PET project try new algorithms. The method context helps them to filter results that were derived with different methods. Because much time is spent on quality control of the results, the qualification context is used to limit access to data that were observed under exceptional seeing conditions.