HOW-TO Images and catalogs in Astro-WISE

This section gives an overview of all database table names (and Python class names) representing images and catalogs. Where possible a reference/link is provided to the appropriate HOW-TO.

See also the page shortcuts to datasets, which contains links to tables in the database for several datasets.


Table: Overview of naming scheme for images

Raw images Calibration images Science images
RawBiasFrame BiasFrame (RawScienceFrame)
RawDarkFrame DomeFlatFrame ReducedScienceFrame
RawDomeFlatFrame TwilightFlatFrame RegriddedFrame
RawScienceFrame NightSkyFlatFrame CoaddedRegriddedFrame
RawTwilightFlatFrame FringeFrame  


Below are several tables describing the handling of catalogs in Astro-WISE.

Table: Overview of naming scheme for catalogs

Catalogs Description
SourceList E.g. SExtractor catalog
AssociateList Contains lists of SourceList ID and Source ID pairs

Table: Overview of naming scheme for classes pointing to SourceLists

Classes pointing to SourceLists Description
GalFitModel Galfit model of a single source in a SourceList
GalPhotModel Galphot model of a single source in a SourceList

Table: Overview of naming scheme for classes creating new SourceLists

Classes creating new SourceList(s) Description
CombinedList A SourceList which is the combination of two other SourceLists
PhotRedCatalog Links a new SourceList with photometric redshifts to
  all associated input SourceLists and an AssociateList
LightCurve (MDIA) Creates several SourceLists to store result
  of variability determination

Table: Overview of naming scheme for other classes related to catalogs

Other catalogs Description
VariabilityFrame (VODIA) Stores a catalog in file format with light curves